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Subway joins higher welfare chicken move

News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 28.04.2017

Subway, the largest fast food restaurant chain in the world, has announced its policy to improve the lives of chickens raised for meat across their supply chain in the USA.

Compassion is proud to have supported Subway’s efforts in making this huge commitment for chickens, along with other groups, such as the Humane Society of the United States.


Subway has committed to implement the following changes by 2024:

  • Source only chicken breeds that are approved by Global Animal Partnership (GAP) as having higher welfare outcomes;
  • Source only chickens that are given more space, per GAP’s standards
  • Ensure all chickens sourced have an improved environment, including litter, lighting and enrichment, per GAP’s standards; and
  • Source only chickens that are more humanely processed, through a multi-step, controlled-atmosphere system.
subway chicken

“This day marks a watershed moment for the chicken industry,” said Rachel Dreskin, Compassion's Head of US Food Business. “When the largest fast food chain in the world commits to better chicken, there’s no turning back.”

Several companies like Burger King, Panera Bread, TGI Fridays, and Red Robin have already made similar commitments to better chicken. But Subway’s impressive reach and broad influence can’t be denied - Bloomberg recently reported that the sandwich company is the most ubiquitous restaurant chain in the United States (McDonald’s is #2).

Subway also says: “Our suppliers’ animal welfare practices will be third party audited and updates will be communicated annually.”

We not only applaud Subway for their commitment to better animal welfare, but for their transparency to customers. Compassion looks forward to working with Subway and ensuring the company achieves its animal welfare goals on time.


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