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Launch of the Good Dairy Awards for 2011

News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 04.04.2011

Building on the success of the Good Egg and last year’s Good Chicken Awards, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Good Dairy Awards. Fulfilling the criteria for the Good Dairy Award is more involved than the Good Egg and Good Chicken Awards and is split into two main areas; dairy cows and dairy calves. Companies will receive a Commendation for achieving either route or a full Award for both.

Our Aim is to improve the lives of dairy cows and calves

By awarding and recognising companies committed to ensuring high levels of welfare throughout their supply chain, via progressive schemes that are both measurable and ensure tangible, sustained improvements for cows and calves.

Our Goal

To directly encourage

  1. Access to good quality grazing which forms a significant part of the dairy cow ration and supports appropriate milk yields.
  2. The use of non-replacement dairy calves in the meat supply chain via high welfare systems.

To indirectly encourage

  1. Milk from dedicated supply chains.
  2. Robust breeding programmes that enhance the health and longevity of the dairy cow.
  3. Breeding for acceptable conformation in the non-replacement dairy calf.

The following categories are included in the Award:

  1. Liquid Milk
  2. Dairy Products (cream, cheese, yoghurt, butter, ice cream)
  3. Ingredient (i.e. dairy or meat as part of a product)
  4. Dairy Veal or Beef

For more information, please download the guidance notes and information packs. To discuss further and enter please address queries to your UK account manager:

Retailers: 07584 392 688

Food manufacturers & processors: 07584 392 686

Food Service: 07584 392 687


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